If you wish to utilize Distributor concurrent licensing capabilities you will need to protect your assembly in such a manner as to include the required Distributor client components in your distributables. This article explains how to do this.
The following is based on the recommended best practice for protection of an assembly,as laid down in the Integrate Protection into Visual Studio and Automated Builds.
Install Distributor Client Components
To install the Distributor client components in your application:
- In Code Protector select the 'Permutation' tab and then select 'Install Permutation' to add load your permutation file into Code Protector
- Select the correct mandatory protection settings as follows:
- Select the Permutation you just loaded in the drop down list of available permutations
- Select Distributor option in Target SLP Runtime Variant drop down list
- Select the appropriate Product Name
- Save the SLM configuration file (.SLMCfg extension) alongside your csproj/vbproject file. (Remember to give it the same name as the csproj/vbproj file.)
When you build your solution as usual the protected assembly AND the necessary Distributor distributables are copied to your project output directory.
The subfolder Slps.Distributor.Host that is also copied to your project output contains the Distributor service components. You may wish to package this separately from your protected application (and necessary Distributor client DLLs) e.g. provide a separate installer for each.
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