To avail of the SpAgent Runtime or Distributor features/fixes included in this release you will need to update your current permutation and install the required NuGet packages in your solution.
Customer Portal
- Dashboard Update: New charts and Recent Activity panel added to the portal dashboard.
Software Potential Web Services
- Disable license method: A new method DisableLicenseByActivationKey has been added (in the LicenseManagementWS namespace) to programmatically disable a license.
- GAC search path excluded from SpAgentStandard: .NET Core and .NET 5 and later versions eliminate the concept of the global assembly cache (GAC) that was present in .NET Framework; some GAC-related APIs are marked as obsolete, and generate a
warning at compile time 'Assembly.GlobalAssemblyCache' is obsolete: 'The Global Assembly Cache is not supported.' The GAC search path is now excluded from SpAgentStandard and this warning should not display during compilation with protection/licensing enabled. - Default Device Label Policy behaviour: SpAgent runtime 4.0.2040 and earlier did not set the DeviceLabel default value. This has now been fixed and default is set to either Environment.Machine name or, in the case of SpAgentStandard, the value returned by Dns.GetHostname().
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