From v3.2.1960 of Distributor you can elect to issue a Distributor license on a Seat or Machine basis. (In early versions of Distributor it was only possible to issue Distributor licenses on a machine basis.)
Machine-based Distributor Licenses
With machine-based Distributor licenses, dynamic lease allocations and checkouts are made per machine on which the requesting licensed application is executing. As a result all instances of the licensed application running on the machine will share the same lease allocations or checkouts in force on that machine.
In the case of a desktop or mobile application where a user may be running multiple instance of a licensed application then this is the expected behaviour, in that all instances will be operating under the same licensed context and only one lease or checkout is consumed on Distributor.
When the licensed application is installed on a server machine/device it may be possible for multiple users to execute one or more instances each of the licensed application via e.g. Remote Desktop or Terminal Server sessions. In this situation, if the Distributor license is Machine-based, all instances of the licensed application (irrespective of user) will share the same lease allocation; more importantly, only one lease will be recorded on Distributor, despite the fact that multiple user may be running the licensed application simultaneously. If it is intended that each user in such a situation should consume a separate lease allocation or checkout (e.g. where the licensed application is running in a terminal server) then a Seat-based Distributor license should be issued.
Seat-based Distributor Licenses
In the case of a Seat-based Distributor license, dynamic lease allocations and checkouts are made on the basis of the machine/device from which the licensed application is being accessed, irrespective of where the licensed application is being executed.
In the case of a desktop or mobile application where a user may be running multiple instance of a licensed application on a machine/device, all instances will be operating in the same licensed context and only one lease or checkout is consumed on Distributor. (If multiple instances of the application can be run by different users on the desktop machine then these multiple instances will only consume one lease on Distributor.)
In the situation where multiple users are able to execute one or more instances each of the licensed application installed on a server machine/device (e.g. via Remote Desktop or Terminal Server sessions) when using a Seat-based license:
- A separate lease allocation is required for each client machine/device accessing the licensed application;
- A single lease allocation will suffice where multiple instances of the licensed application are being accessed remotely, even if these are being accessed via different Remote Desktop or Terminal Server sessions.
Checkout of Seat-based Licenses
Checkout of Seat-based Distributor licenses is supported on machines/devices that can verify they are client machines i.e. are running non-server version of the Windows OS.
Issuing Seat-based Licenses
Distributor license are issued as Machine-based by default. To issue a Seat-based license one must check the Seat-based checkbox on the License Issue page in the Software Potential portal.
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