Features can be added to or removed from a license as part of the License Issue and License Reissue workflows.
Features can only be added to a license when issuing a Custom license. When issuing a license from a SKU the features included in the license are predefined in the SKU and cannot be changed when issuing the license.
Add Features when Issuing a License
When issuing a new custom license you must first select a Product from the drop down list of products.
When a product is selected all the features defined for that product are displayed in the Available Features grid. If no features are defined for the product then this grid is not displayed.
Selecting Multiple Features
It is now possible in the Available Features grid to select multiple features to be added simultaneously to a license.
Scroll through the list of available features using the scroll bar or mouse wheel. If there are a large number of features defined for the product then one can filter the list of available features using the search function.
To select a consecutive group of feature, click the first feature in the selection, press and hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the last feature in the selection.
To select non-consecutive features, press and hold down the CTRL key, and then click each feature that you want to select.
The selected features will be highlighted. Both the number of selected features and the total number of available features are shown at the bottom of the grid.
Click the Add Selected button to add selected features to the license.
There is also an Add All button to add all available features to the license.
When a feature is added to the license the Features on License section is then displayed, showing all features added to the license. At the same time the features added to the license are removed from the Available Features grid.
You can continue to add features sequentially to a license; at any time the Available Features grid lists the remaining features that may yet be added to the license.
If all available features have been added to the license then the Available Features grid is not displayed.
Remove Feature from License
You can at any stage remove a feature that was added inadvertently or in error before the license is issued. To do this, in the Features on License panel select the relevant feature(s) to be removed and click the Remove button.
If you remove a feature from the license it is restored to the list of Available Features.
Add / Remove Features when Reissuing a License
When reissuing a license the Features on License panel lists the features already included in the license to be reissued. The Available Features panel lists the features that are still available to be added to the license. You can add or remove one or more features as appropriate.
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