A license Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a license template from which individual licenses may be issued. In effect a SKU predefines all the properties of a license, including:
- Product/Version/Features,
- Environment and Locking,
- Lifecycle and
- Activation controls.
See Getting Started With SKUs and Create a License SKU for more details on how to use SKUs when issuing licenses.
When a license is subsequently issued from a SKU the various license properties will be set to the predefined values in the SKU. Issuing licenses from a SKU can be more efficient than issuing individual custom licenses as all license properties are predefined in the SKU.
Issue License From SKU
Issuing licenses from a SKU is multi-step process. To issue a license from a SKU:
- Select Issue and then Issue From SKU in the main navigation
- Select the required SKU in the list of available SKUs and click Issue to issue a license from the selected SKU
- You can view the details of the license to be issued at this stage and click Next to move to the next step. (The license details cannot be modified as these are set by the SKU.)
- Set the number of licenses to be issued and add an optional Description to be set on each license issued
- Optionally assign the license(s) to be issued to a customer by selecting a customer from the dropdown list
- Optionally add Custom Tags if required
- Click Issue to issue the license(s).
You should see the required activation key(s) when the licenses have all been issued.
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